my dear friends

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm proud of you!

Lately, I look back my videos and photos folders. I found that these 5 years, are the most precious, most meaningful, most joyful years for me.

Different kind of feelings rush to my heart. wonderful feelings. Tears. sweats. joy. excitement. fun. and also the meaning of friendships.

what made my life so meaningful , so joyful , for sure is CHS Band. I feel very very glad to know this group of band members. Joining the band, was the most proud, most meaningful thing i ever did.

Sincerely, joining the band isnt just purely learning music and marching and also go for competition. The strong bonds between friends you gain, the experience of exposing to the outside world, the hardwork and effort you put in to make the formation become amazing, the joy and teamwork we had, are priceless. Totally priceless.... how much money also cant buy the experience and joy! Those sweet memories, and fun time during pesta practices, I will never forget them. Words cant really enough to desribe my feelings and thoughts... I wish that I'm still in high school, I'm stil in the band... but, i know... time flies....


To view in youtube, ctrl + click here!


Personally, I think tat this is the best show for me. Wonderful music, nice and new marching style. and also the creative formation and storyline. When i watch the video, I did have some 'goose bumps'.. haha! no doubt, its amazing. Although some steps and lines are still messy, stil not as clean as CHWS, but i think we did it very well last year! Bravo! Awesome! (:

although I duno how will the band's destiny in the future, But i know these 5 years will be the best years for me.能够认识到你们,是我的荣幸, 我的福气。 将来,不论什么都好,和你们的友谊与快乐的回忆,已经足够让我铭记于心。。。

Once a band member, always a band member. I will always always be proud of you, CHS BAND!


Relax Music and Game