my dear friends

Friday, November 6, 2009

Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I will leave this blog behind.

Temporary or maybe permanent.

I shifted to a new place for me to express my feelings and thoughts once a while.
Its not a blog or gonna have daily updates.
not gonna update it too often also. Just maybe some life updates, photos and videos. once awhile.

Saturday, September 26, 2009



Have you ever imagine how great can beatbox be?

well, Here you go:

Enjoy! =D

flute beatbox - Super mario theme

simply amazing... :)
*there's another flute beatbox i'm trying to upload. that one wil be more amazing =)

Monday, September 21, 2009

吃不穷, 用不穷,

Ferrari F430 Spider

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Never be too excellent

Never be too excellent.


Because when u're good or too good in something, and once a while if u can't perform that well, then you will get some 'advice' from others. SIEN!

Today, Suddenly, my physics teacher told me she felt that I'm not serious in studying. (bcuz i did not perform as well as last time for maths and physics). That really really gave me a shock! and hurts me quite deep. But I'm damn satisfy with my scores lo! It's not poor at all! It's counted as above average! But.... too bad, she will never be satisfied.

And..... This is Trial exam, lots lots harder than those kacang putih test 1 and 2. So, I did pay full attention and effort in my studies, even study until 12 during exam period for this round of trials. Nan dao want me to get every subject, every test, the highest?

Shit you!

So, wat to do? =) Never be too excellent nx time. Keep yr profile low.... dun be the best! hahahha

Anyway, I will continue study hard! wun waste my time and past effort!

haiz..... but, dun care first la! later go pool first! ciao!

Audi RX8

Saturday, September 12, 2009

37th week of year 2009

Well, It's been a long time din't post anything here.

mayb because of 2 weeks exams, and nothing much to be posted.

Anyway, this sums up my entire week:

1) Learned how to play Mafia wars on facebook. Found the attractiveness in it that can attract esther to play until lvl 80+ ... xD

2) Study and study and study for 2 weeks exams. I'm Happy that I have done my best for this exam again. No regrets .

3) Thinking, planning wat to do during December holiday. Work? Vacation?

4) Every night went mamak with fren. sambil watch CSI, scare tactics, football.... haha

5) Straight after my last day of exam(wednesday), went to lowyat to buy wireless adaptor , shopping in Times Square and watch G.I. Joe with fren... It's another awesome action pack movie! dun buy pirated... Must watch it with the Cinema's sound system only shiok! seriously!

Hope got chance to watch final destination, Waiting for 2012, surrogate to be on screeen!

6) Went for Pool at night... I didn't know I'm quite talented in playing it xD

7) Had My exciting Chemistry practical test on yesterday. Then straight after class, went for karaoke at Endah Parade. Anyway, I saw namewee gai gai at there. Know who's namewee? neh... tat one who sang negarakuku la.... got it? and and and.... His gf tat gai gai wif him, is so pretty =3 hahaha

8) As usual, Basketball.. Gonna swim next week... wee~

9) Chatting wif Biwei this whole week.... Bi, dun so fast finish yr 016 credit >.<'

10) Looking forward for nx friday to arrive.. miss u guys.

11) Starting intensive study mood soon.. "As" exam is arriving soon.

That's All... Anyway, Glad to see Li Yen came back to blogging. =D


Nissan GTR


Thursday, August 27, 2009

History of Music - String Fever

Awesome ! ;)

Relax Music and Game